Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Financial Destination Int'l/GI Connect

Financial Destination Inc. ( now Financial Destination International) or FDI is a network marketing company (privately-owned) that provides professional concierge services, both personal and financial, health and wellness, and communications to its members through certified professionals and innovative systems. FDI was started in 2003 by William Andreoli, President and CEO, and has experienced exponential growth of only six years of existence to develop into one of the nation's top up and coming network marketing companies. Financial Destination Inc will launch internationally into 62 countries as part of its new telecommunications company-GI Connect.

Financial Destination appears to offer a tremendous amount of value to its members by offering services such as LifeLock, debt elimination system, credit restoration, financial advice on demand, 24/7 personal assistant and primary care physician, financial assistant, retirement solutions, legal advice, dental, vision, and pharmacy discounts, health and wellness products, and never-before-seen telecommunications for a monthly membership subscription. The level of your membership determines the amount of services offered. Financial Destination International's goal is to place the ball in their members' court by adding importance and WORTH to the member through signature VIP services that were traditional held only for individuals who could afford such services. In a sense, just as Donald Trump or Warren Buffett or any guru for that matter receive constant counsel, practical advice, wisdom, and training from experts in their fields, so does Financial Destination, Inc. desire to offer to its members.

FDI offers three types of VIP memberships: Basic, Preferred, and First Class. They also have the option for their members to become business owners and make money by choosing to become either an Affiliate Marketing Director or CEO Marketing Director. The primary difference between the two is by becoming a CEO; members partake in 100% of the coding and fast start bonuses rather than 50% if they were just an affiliate. CEO's generate income through multiple fast bonuses, double fast start bonuses, matching fast start bonuses, car bonuses, leadership bonuses, quarterly bonuses and residual income based upon a unilevel compensation plan paid unlimited through 7 levels.

FDI offers three types of VIP memberships: Basic, Preferred, and First Class. They also have the option for their members to become business owners and make money by choosing to become either an Affiliate Marketing Director or CEO Marketing Director. The primary difference between the two is by becoming a CEO; members partake in 100% of the coding and fast start bonuses rather than 50% if they were just an affiliate. CEO's generate income through multiple fast bonuses, double fast start bonuses, matching fast start bonuses, car bonuses, leadership bonuses, quarterly bonuses and residual income based upon a unilevel compensation plan paid unlimited through 7 levels.

Honestly, this is probably one of the most LUCRATIVE bonus plans I have seen so far in the industry. President and CEO William Andreoli seems to really care for the members in his company by the tremendous amount of money that he pours back into the company for the benefit of the members. FDI also offers extensive coaching on how to effectively operate and promote your business through training videos, webinars, conference calls, training manuals, and an online marketing system all located in the business owners personal back office.

I have listed several key factors I believe would help empowered entrepreneurs become successful in this business.

Fact #1: For the simple fact that Financial Destination Inc has the products to help individuals increase their credit score, cut the amount of time (almost in ½) it would take to pay off all their debt along with the exact day, 24/7 access to financial advice on demand, and investment portfolio management is good for average Americans today and will prove to build lasting relationships with the company. It is not about how much money people can make with this opportunity, although you can generate an incredible amount, but how will this product benefit the individual and their household. FDI also offers a 30 day money back guarantee minus any commissions earned if customers are unhappy with their membership.

Fact #2: No company can continue to survive or thrive without a distinctive product and the proper core management team. The founder and his cabinet reflect the entire personality of the company. Without strong leadership in place who are full of integrity and hold true to a set of principles then a company cannot expect to stand long-term.

With Financial Destination International I believe there is strong potential for this company because of its unique product that has already benefited thousands of people, the integrity of the core management team, and the value they offer their members. There appears to be minimal competition in the industry with these same services. Financial Destination could prove to be a great score for business owners who have the potential to build large organizations that not only benefit from the money but the product which in turn helps them manage their money and generate more wealth.

Fact #3: Leaders who have MAJOR influence over numerous people have the potential to make or break a company. The individuals that associate with your company often times determine the rate your company grows and the confidence prospects have toward your company.

FDI has had the privilege to earn the respect and support of names like Jordan Goodman and Anthony Robbins as well as other distinguished individuals. It appears the increasing buzz over Financial Destination International is drawing increasing attention from industry leaders left and right and the reviews have been promising as well as my own.

Fact #4: Your efforts with any business will be utterly useless if you do not have the key fundamental TRAINING that teaches you how to generate quality leads and core principles that will show you how to succeed without using OLD useless strategies that have been taught for years.

John Maxwell stated in his book "Developing the Leader within You", "a leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others. Success without a successor is failure."

Many people fail because they do not know how to TRULY market. It does not matter how great your product is or who is in your upline or how great of an opportunity you have unless you know how to market effectively and efficiently. I believe mentorship, education, learning, training, authenticity are all important factors to your success in any business you partake in. Develop yourself constantly by humbling yourself and always seeking ways to learn and improve. The more you empower yourself, the more you will be able to empower others and attract numerous leaders with half the effort.

You will place yourself immediately above most entrepreneurs, distributors, and business owners in the industry by simply educating yourself to market as a professional, not an AMATEUR. As with any business, unyielding diligence will determine your success.


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